The joy of painting is for me in the process ; the sensuousness of oil paints, the amazing versatility of acrylics, the scraping, layering and mark making. My response to landscape has long been a favourite theme but I find now, having been thrilled to get a First in my Fine Art degree over 20 years ago that, I feel less constrained by producing a body of work which I may hope to exhibit and free to be more of a butterfly in my subjects and materials.

This has been aided by the amazing life drawing, portraiture and general sketching opportunities which I have found within the enthusiastic and talented members of Derby Sketching Club which I have been fortunate to join recently.

My work too, tends towards abstraction though usually still with  a place or figure as a starting point ;  the  excitement is in the journey, of not wanting a precise outcome, getting lost and inviting serendipity to come along for the ride.